ABA Logistics

"ABA LOGISTICS" LLC[/b] carries out worldwide logistics and transporting services since 2006. We handle the transportation of groupage and full trucks. Nowadays "ABA LOGISTICS "LLC is one of the dynamically developing and competing companies.

Company "ABA LOGISTICS"LLC has been certified by;

"Ministry of Transport of Azerbaijan Republic (MINCOM)

International Organization for Standardization (ISO 9001) (ISO 14001) (ISO 45001)

International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations (FIATA)

International Air Transport Association (IATA)

The International Road Transport Union (IRU) (ABADA)

Young and qualified personnel timely meets customers’ needs and carries out all the assigned duties and responsibilities at the high level.

Turkey- Azerbaijan

From 40 USD/M3

From 0,20 USD/ Kg


From 70 EURO /M3

From 0,40 EURO/Kg

Russia / Ukraine – Azerbaijan

On request


Scandinavia: Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Great Britain

Western Europe: France, Germany, Austria, Benelux, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Belgium, Poland

Southern Europe: Portugal, Spain, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Balkan Peninsula countries, Italy

And More: Greece, Syria, Jordan, USA, UAE, China, Iran and CIS countries

Our Depots :

Poland : Gliwice PL 44-100 (Departure from Depot every - Friday)

Italy: Treviso IT-31057(Departure from Depot every Thursday – Friday)

Turkey: Istanbul TR-34522 (Departure from Depot every Thursday – Friday)

Ukraine: Kyivsky region, AU-08140

Russia: Moskow, RU- 121170

The list of services provided:

Ø Dry freight transport by road;

Ø Air cargo transportation;

Ø Freight transport by ship;

Ø Railway cargo transportation;

Ø Container transportation;

Ø Transportation of goods that require special temperature regime;

Ø Non-standard and very small-scale cargo transportation;

Ø Bulky and very heavy loads;

Ø Customs officialization;

Ø Warehouse services (in Azerbaijan and Europe)

Ø ADR dangerous cargo transportation;

Ø Cargo insurance

Ø Door To door Delivery

Note: delivery time of FTL cargo to Baku is 8-10 days, as well as LTL (GROUPAGE) cargo delivery to Baku can take between12-15 days

Баку, 15,Nobel ave.,
+994(50)2100127, +994(12)4886875, +994(12)4886876, +994(12)4886879

Должностные лица

Vahi̇d Əli̇yev Həni̇fə Oğlu
30 нояб. 2015 г.
Отличный заказчик, работали в первый раз, четкая, понятная заявка, быстрая оплата, побольше бы таких ,так держать. Удачи!!
14 мая 2015 г.
Блищак Ю.Ю.,ФЛП
Большое спасибо за хорошую работу!
21 июн. 2012 г.
Хрипта В. И.,ФЛП
ABA company заказали у нас две машины с Италии на Азербайджан.Загрузили машины вовремя, активно вели перевозку до самой выгрузки,расчетались без задержек.Притензий и замечаний нет.Мы остались довольны этой перевозкой. Надеемся на дальнейшее сотрудничество. Отдельное спасибо Мехрибан!
20 июн. 2012 г.
Глобус, ЧП
Хорошая экспедиция. Спасибо за сотрудничество.
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